Jamaika 14'24 Portugal DOC Alexander Sussmann
O Grilinho 2'21 Portugal ANIM Marta Laureano_cc781905-5 cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Münhasır (Unique) 10' Turkey FIC Yesim Tonbaz
Circle of Trust 15'30 Sweden FIC Victor Nyåker
Ain't No Time for Women 19'04 Canada DOC Sarra El Abed
311 3'25 USA ANIM Rachel Bavaresco
Matka / Polka 14'45 Poland DOC Joanna Suchomska
I showed him covid-19 2' Poland EXP Karolina Gliniewicz
Supermoon Blues - Return 1'50 Netherlands MUSIC-VIDEO Marcos Sanchez
Bálint Szabó - Until Exhaustion 3'35 Czech Republic MUSIC-VIDEO Magdalena Hejzlarová

Nha Fidju 5' Portugal FIC Diogo Moreira Carvalho
Nina 16'50 United Kingdom FIC Alexandra Brodski
My Dad's Video Diary 16' UK DOC Debora Bottino/Lewis Saunders
The Boy and the Owl 12' Portugal ANIM Mário Gajo de Carvalho
Stuff 6'42 Portugal ANIM Sofia de Castro Erzini
Esmeralda 14' Mexico DOC Samantha Orozco
Only a Child 6'47 Switzerland ANIM Simone Giampaolo
Agathi (Thorn) 8'50 Greece FIC Alexander Stamatiadis
Los Chapos - Another Day At The Firm 6'15 Portugal MUSIC-VIDEO Francisco Sousa
Supermoon Blues - You Heard Me 2'06 Netherlands MUSIC-VIDEO Edith Morris

2018 & 2019 & 2020